Assistive Technology
Region 19 provides professional development opportunities and technical assistance for districts and charter schools in the area of Assistive Technology.
Autism & Complex Access Needs
The Autism Spectrum Disorders Program serves families, districts and the community working with students with Autism Spectrum Disorders in a variety of school settings.
Behavior and Mental Health Project
Provides greater understanding of social and emotional learning concepts for teachers and staff that work directly with special education students.
Early Childhood Special Education
Support, guidance and service to families, ECSE teachers and staff in order to work with our area young children in efficient and positive ways. Our goal is to inspire innovative and relevant ideas to grow our future.
Child Find Evaluation & ARD Supports
Assists local education agencies and stakeholders with identifying, locating, and evaluating all children with disabilities, who may require special education and related services; Provides professional development opportunities and technical assistance to local education agencies in meeting federal and state mandates pertaining to evaluation, re-evaluation, and ARD/IEP processes.
Inclusion in Texas
This program is responsible for organizing and conducting professional development and technical support that facilitates students with disabilities gaining access to a curriculum and instruction based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in the least restrictive environment.
Student Centered Transitions focuses on all the transitions that our students take on their educational career from Pre-K to graduation.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based three-tiered framework to improve and integrate all the data, systems, and practices affecting student outcomes every day.
School Family Community Engagement
Building the capacity of community and educational staff to work in collaboration with families to support the best outcome for students with a disability.
Special Education Director
The Education Service Center - Region 19 Special Education Department provides technical assistance and training to school districts and charter schools to develop, implement and evaluate services and programs for students with disabilities and their families.
State Special Education Liaison
Region 19 ESC Special Education Liaison’s focus is to collaborate with your district in strengthening the Special Education program and support continuous improvement efforts.
Visually Impaired Program & Deaf Program
The Program for the Visually Impaired (VI) provides an array of services including staff development, consultative services, technical assistance, mentoring, direct orientation and mobility services, and other related supportive services to regional programs serving identified students with visual impairments birth to 22 years.
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