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Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, also known as Perkins V
The Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act, commonly referred to as Perkins V, marks a significant milestone in the evolution of federal support for career and technical education (CTE) in the United States. Signed into law on July 31, 2018, this legislation reauthorizes and modernizes the Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006, demonstrating Congress's ongoing commitment to providing substantial funding for CTE programs serving both youth and adults across the nation.
Perkins V builds upon a century-long legacy of federal involvement in vocational and technical education. This journey began with the Smith-Hughes Act of 1917, which first authorized federal funding for vocational programs. Subsequent legislation, including the Vocational Education Act of 1963 and various iterations of the Perkins Act, has progressively refined the focus and scope of CTE. Each reauthorization has sought to align educational programs more closely with the evolving needs of the workforce and economy.
The latest iteration of the Perkins Act represents a concerted effort to expand and enhance CTE opportunities for all students. It emphasizes the development of programs that lead to high-skill, high-wage, or in-demand occupations, reflecting the demands of the 21st-century job market. Perkins V encourages the integration of academic and technical education, promoting a holistic approach to student development that prepares individuals for both further education and career success.
In the context of secondary education, Perkins V introduces several key innovations. The act strengthens the alignment between high school CTE programs and postsecondary education or career opportunities, fostering smoother transitions for students. It also places a strong emphasis on career exploration and guidance, recognizing the importance of informed decision-making in students' educational and professional journeys. Furthermore, the legislation supports the integration of employability skills into CTE curricula, acknowledging that success in the modern workplace requires more than just technical proficiency.
Accountability and data-driven decision-making are central themes in Perkins V. The act mandates new performance measures for secondary CTE programs, including indicators such as graduation rates, academic achievement, and program quality. These requirements aim to ensure that CTE programs are delivering tangible benefits to students and meeting the needs of local communities and economies.
Collaboration emerges as a key principle in Perkins V. The legislation encourages partnerships between secondary schools, postsecondary institutions, and industry partners. These collaborations are designed to create more relevant and effective CTE programs, as well as to establish clear pathways for students from education to employment. The act also emphasizes the importance of work-based learning experiences, such as internships and apprenticeships, recognizing their value in preparing students for the realities of the workplace.
Perkins V demonstrates a commitment to equity and inclusivity in CTE. It places increased emphasis on serving special populations, including students with disabilities, economically disadvantaged individuals, English language learners, and students preparing for non-traditional fields. This focus aims to ensure that CTE programs are accessible and beneficial to a diverse range of students, promoting equal opportunities for career development and success.
The act also recognizes the critical role of educators in delivering high-quality CTE programs. It supports professional development for CTE teachers, providing opportunities for them to stay current with technological advancements, industry practices, and pedagogical innovations. This investment in teacher development is crucial for maintaining the relevance and effectiveness of CTE programs.
In conclusion, the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act represents a significant advancement in the federal approach to CTE. By emphasizing program quality, accountability, collaboration, and responsiveness to workforce needs, Perkins V aims to elevate the status and effectiveness of CTE in American education. As states and local communities implement this legislation, they have the opportunity to reimagine CTE, creating innovative programs that prepare students for success in an increasingly complex and dynamic global economy. The act's comprehensive approach has the potential to significantly enhance the quality and impact of CTE programs, particularly in secondary education, ultimately contributing to a more skilled and adaptable workforce for the challenges of the 21st century.
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Click HERE Perkins V in Texas
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Articulation is a planned process linking El Paso Community College and high school Career and Technology Education (CTE) courses. Within articulated Tech-Prep programs are articulated courses. High school courses that contain the same course content as an equivalent college course, and for which a post-secondary institution has agreed to award college credit if the student meets requirements.
For more information please visit the EPCC link:
The ESC Region 19 CTE team can support you with technical support, consulting, and professional development. Please contact us for more information.
Education Service Center - Region 19 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, or any other bases prohibited by law. Inquiries concerning the application of Title VI, IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504 may be referred to the Human Resources Manager, 6611 Boeing Drive, El Paso, Texas 79925.
Dr. Angelica Haro
Information & Instructional Technology Services
College & Career Preparation
Frank Nolasco
Professional Development Consultant
Information & Instructional Technology Services
College & Career Preparation
Oscar Carrera
Professional Development Consultant
Information & Instructional Technology Services
College & Career Preparation