Privacy Policy
Education Service Center (ESC) - Region 19 respects each individual’s right to personal privacy. We will collect and use information through our web site only in the ways disclosed in this statement. This statement applies solely to information collected at the ESC-19 Web site.Part I. Information Collection
ESC-19 collects information through our web site at several points. Our primary source for collecting information is through our on-line event registration tool, Click & Learn. This information is used primarily for the purpose of enrolling visitors in events listed in the ESC-19 catalog of events. It may also be used to report data to school districts related to the professional development of teachers, administrators and students.We may also collect limited personally identifiable information which our users divulge about themselves. ESC-19 may use this information for the purpose of marketing the ESC-19 products and services. ESC-19 does not market to children, and we never knowingly ask a child under 13 to divulge personal information.
The ESC-19 Web server may collect the following information: IP address of the computer logging onto the ESC-19 site, the date and time of the request(s), and the pages requested by the visitor.
We may employ cookies. A cookie is a small text file that our Web server places on a user’s computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Cookies enable ESC-19 to track usage patterns and deliver customized content to users. Our cookies may also be used to improve the quality of our applications to the user and to improve the overall registration process through our web site. Our cookies may collect user information.
ESC-19 does not use banner advertising on our web site.
Part II. Information Usage.
The information collected by ESC-19 will be used for improving customer services and marketing ESC-19 products and services. Users who provide information may receive email announcements, and/or survey requests and/or other requests for information required for reporting purposes to the Texas Education Agency.
Registered users may receive additional announcements from us about products, services, special deals, and/or a newsletter. Out of respect for the privacy of our users we present the option to not receive these types of communications. Contact us through email.
The information we collect may be used to create customer profiles based on browsing or purchasing history. We will not supplement information collected at our web site with data from other sources.
We may share data with the third parties in order to process transactions only.
We may offer links to other web sites. Please note: When you click on links to other web sites, you will be leaving the ESC-19 site. We encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours.
From time to time, our web site offers chats, forums, or message boards restricted to a specific topic or program. Please be advised that information posted in these venues becomes public knowledge.
If our policy on information collection or uses changes, will advise you on our “Home” page that our Privacy Policy has been updated and we will provide instructions for viewing the revised policy.
Part III. Access to Information
ESC-19 strives to maintain the accuracy of information collected. Users may access their own personal information and contact us about inaccuracies they may find by send us an email. Users may request that ESC-19 delete their information from our database.
Part IV. Problem Resolution
If problems arise, users may email us here at ESC-19. We are committed to resolving disputes.
Part V. Data Storage and Security
ESC-19 protects user information with the following security measures: security protocols, secure servers, firewall's, SSL encryption and other technology and procedures used to protect consumer privacy.