Grants Public Notice
2020-2021 Public Notice For Public Comment on Possible Grant Application
United States Code (USC) Annotated, Title 20, Chapter 70, Subchapter IX, Part C, Section 7846(a)(7), and Public Law (P.L.) 114-95, Every Student Success Act (ESSA), Section 8306, states the following regarding any entity planning to submit a plan or application for a grant:
“any applicant, other than a state a state educational agency that submits a plan or application under this chapter or act, shall have on file with the state educational agency a single set of assurances, applicable to each program for which a plan or application is submitted, that provides that: . . . before the application was submitted, the applicant afforded a reasonable opportunity for public comment on the application and considered such comment.”
Education Service Center Region 19 (“ESC Region 19”), hereby gives notice to the public that it intends to file the following application(s) for federal grant funds with the Texas Education Agency, i.e., the state educational agency.
Any member of the wishing to provide a comment regarding ESC Region 19’s application for such grant(s) is invited to submit those comments to the ESC directly under each grant posted.
All comments must be received by ESC Region 19 by no later than 12:00 noon August 31, 2021.
Any comments received by the deadline set forth herein will be considered by ESC Region 19 before it submits its grant application.