Risk Management
Risk Management
ESC-Region 19 Risk Management is a responsibility of the Human Resources department within the Support Services division. The formal risk management strategy aligned with the organization's mission to support a learning environment throughout the region.
ESC-Region 19 Risk Management includes the insurance program, worker's compensation, FMLA, unemployment, insurance claims, the driving program, the modified duty program, and other risk management-related programs. The Director for Human Resources and Risk Management is responsible for the safety program, which includes development, training presentations, investigations, inspections, and recommendations. Additional responsibilities are to provide risk management and safety consultation services to the ESC-Region 19 area school districts.
ESC 19 is committed to reducing accidents. Every effort is and must be made to keep work areas safe and free from hazards for children, staff, parents, and the community. Managers are responsible for assisting employees with meeting health and safety requirements. Employees are expected to follow safety directives that apply and to report immediately to their supervisor and/ or the Human Resources department any unsafe or hazardous conditions.
All accidents must be reported to the immediate supervisor and/ or Human Resources so that proper action may be taken.