Cooperative Membership
Membership in the ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative entitles the entity to utilize competitively bid goods and services where the vendor or vendors can operate logistically and has the capabilities to perform in compliance with contract provisions.
The ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative member understands by joining, there is no obligation to purchase and depending on logistics some awarded vendors may not be able to provide its services.
The ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative member understands by joining, there will be no costs incurred by its membership to ESC Region 19.
The ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative member agrees that this agreement includes all understandings between the member and ESC Region 19.
The ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative member understands that while ESC Region 19 purchasing will make every effort to facilitate any compliance issues with the awarded cooperative vendor, the ultimate dispute resolutions will be between the member and the awarded cooperative vendor.
The ESC Region 19 purchasing cooperative member agrees that the ESC Region 19 contract including any special conditions shall be the document used for any disputes or compliance matters and that no other written or verbal agreements, amendments, or revisions shall be made unless agreed to first by both parties in writing.