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Frequently Asked Questions


1. How do I become an awarded vendor?

   You can find information on how to become awarded here.


2. I don't know what to put on a bid question.  What do I do?

  You must answer all questions marked with a red asterisk (*).  You must also attach a document if it has a red asterisk (*).  The system will not let you submit without the required information.  If charification is  needed on your bid response after the bid opening, ASC will reach out.  If you do not submit the bid, your proposal will not be considered for award.


3. I don't know how to use the bidding system.  What do I do?

  There is a help button at the top of the bidding website that will assist you.


4. I have registered in the system but I don't see a number.  Where can I find my number?

   Vendors must be awarded to have a contract number.  See How to Become Awarded for information on the process.


5. I need to update my information.  What do I need to do?

   Awarded vendors can send a signed request on company letterhead referencing the contract number and providing the information to update to 

   Non Awarded vendors can update information on the bidding site here


6. Where can I find a list of current members?

   Membership information is restricted to awarded vendors only.  The membership list can be found here.  The username and password are NOT the same as the bidding system. 


7. Where can I find current awarded information?

   Current awarded contracts can be found here.


8. My pricing/item list has changed. What do I do?

   Send a signed letter on company letterhead referencing your current contract number and your request to amend your bid to Provide the updated price list.  Amending your bid is restricted in some cases. 


Have a question that is not listed above?  Email it to