RTAP Overview
Two Pathways
The Registered Teacher Apprenticeship Program (RTAP) has two apprenticeship pathways. The first pathway is for individuals with less than 60 college credit hours and is called the Teacher Aide Apprenticeship. The second pathway is for individuals with at least 45 college credit hours and is called the K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship.
Teacher Aide Apprenticeship
To prepare candidates to support teachers and students in the classroom by providing real-world classroom experience while working towards completing an Associate’s degree in Teacher Preparation. This program is designed to be a 2-year program. Upon completion of the Teacher Aide Credential, candidates can apply for the K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship and continue their journey to obtain Texas teacher certification.
Candidates interested in applying for the Teacher Aide Apprenticeship must meet the following criteria to apply:
- 18 years of age
- High school diploma or GED
- Driver’s license
- Ability to perform essential functions and skills of a teacher assistant
- Applicants to Head Start positions must also meet at least one of the following criteria and be bilingual in English/Spanish-
- Current Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential or enrolled in a CDA program
- Enrolled in a program that will lead to an associate or baccalaureate degree
Application Process:
Candidates that meet the above criteria may apply to the Head Start Apprentice position by going to the ESC 19 Employment page. Candidates interested in applying for positions in San Elizario ISD must contact their HR for information to apply. Positions will be posted for Spring (January) and Fall (July/August) starts. Candidates must submit all official transcripts, two letters of recommendation and evidence of the above requirements. Applications will be scored using a rubric and candidates that meet the criteria will be called for interviews with the Head Start leadership. Chosen candidates will be notified of acceptance into the Teacher Aide apprenticeship and they will be provided a start date.
Program Overview:
Candidates that are accepted into the Teacher Aide Apprenticeship will be provided an orientation for Head Start employees and an orientation for the apprenticeship guidelines. They are now considered apprentices! As an apprentice, they will be assigned an experienced mentor teacher and classroom at a selected Head Start center to begin their on-the-job training. Apprentices work 190 days and will follow the Head Start work calendar, which depends on the district where their Head Start center is located. As an employee, they will also receive access to benefits. We are currently starting our first cohort in one of the following centers -
- Canutillo ISD
- Santiago Rodriguez
- Clint ISD
- Pete Duarte
- El Paso ISD
- John E. Uxer I
- Westside
- Ysleta ISD
- Isaac Camacho
- Ysleta
Apprentices must be enrolled in college and work towards completing their Associate of Arts in Teacher Preparation at El Paso Community College while they are obtaining their on-the-job learning as a Head Start employee. The degree plan is an online program and must be done outside of the work day. Apprentices are required to take at least 9 hours of coursework in the Spring and Fall semester, with 6 hours of coursework during the summer. They must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.
Apprentices will attend training once a month, for a half-day, at ESC 19 to learn valuable skills for classroom instruction. After attending training, they will practice the skill in the classroom and be provided coaching by their mentor and assigned field observer. The goal is for apprentices to demonstrate mastery of these skills. Once candidates master their skills and obtain the college credit hours for the next apprentice level, they will receive a wage increase.
Upon mastery of all skills and completion of their degree, apprentices will earn a nationally recognized Teacher Aide Credential. The program is designed to be a 2-year program but individuals may complete the program sooner if they enter with college credit hours.
Apprenticeships provide funding opportunities to assist apprentices with tuition support and wraparound services if they are in need of these supports. All apprentices are required to apply for financial aid. They are also encouraged to contact Workforce Solutions Borderplex and Project Arriba to see if they qualify for their services. Both programs have applications and their own criteria to determine if an individual is eligible.
RTAP is designed to keep apprentices together in cohorts. They will complete their monthly training with the same individuals, and we are working closely with EPCC to provide opportunities for apprentices to take college classes together. A field supervisor will be assigned to each cohort and they will serve as an additional coach, trainer and mentor.
K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship
To prepare candidates to serve as teachers in the classroom by providing real-world classroom experience while working towards completing a Bachelor’s degree and Texas teacher certification through the ESC 19 Teacher Preparation and Certification Program. This program is designed to be a 3-year program.
Candidates interested in applying for the K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship must meet the following criteria to apply:
- 18 years of age
- Minimum 45 college credit hours
- Bilingual in English and Spanish (for Head Start positions)
- Driver’s license
- Pass the Texas Higher Education Assessment (THEA) preferable
- Ability to perform essential functions and skills of a teacher assistant or paraprofessional
- Head Start applicants must also meet at least one of the following criteria for Head Start positions-
- Current Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential or enrolled in a CDA program
- Associate of Arts in Early childhood education, child development or related field
- Enrolled in a degree program that leads to a bachelor's in early childhood education
Application Process:
Candidates that meet the above criteria may apply to the Head Start Apprentice position by going to the ESC 19 Employment page. Postings for San Elizario ISD will be available for current paraprofessionals employed in the district and you must contact HR to apply. Positions will be posted for Spring (January) and Fall (July/August) starts. Candidates must submit all official transcripts, three letters of recommendation and evidence of the above requirements. Applications will be scored using a rubric and candidates that meet the criteria will be called for interviews with the Head Start leadership (for Head Start positions) or with RTAP leadership (for San Elizario positions). Chosen candidates will be notified of acceptance into the Teacher Aide apprenticeship and they will be provided a start date.
Program Overview:
Candidates that are accepted into the K-12 Teacher Apprenticeship will be provided an orientation for employees and an orientation for the apprenticeship guidelines. They are now considered apprentices! As an apprentice, they will be assigned an experienced mentor teacher and classroom at a selected campus to begin their on-the-job training. Apprentices work 190 days and will follow the school district calendar. We are currently starting our first cohort of apprentices in the following centers -
- Canutillo ISD
- Santiago Rodriguez
- Clint ISD
- Pete Duarte
- El Paso ISD
- John E. Uxer I
- Westside
- Ysleta ISD
- Isaac Camacho
- Ysleta
Apprentices must be enrolled in college and work towards completing their Bachelor’s degree at UTEP while they are obtaining their on-the-job learning as an employee. The degree plan is an online program and must be done outside of the work day. Apprentices are required to take at least 9 hours of coursework in the Spring and Fall semester, with 6 hours of coursework during the summer. They must maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA. Once apprentices graduate with their degree, they will apply and enroll in the ESC 19 Teacher Preparation and Certification Program (TPCP). Courses are held on Wednesday evenings and Saturdays. TPCP is an educator preparation program that apprentices must complete in addition to taking and passing their TExES exams.
Apprentices will attend training once a month for a half or full day, depending on the apprentice level, at ESC 19 to learn valuable skills for classroom instruction. After attending training, they will practice the skill in the classroom and be provided coaching by their mentor and assigned field observer. The goal is for apprentices to demonstrate mastery of these skills. Once candidates master their skills and obtain the college credit hours for the next apprentice level, they will receive a wage increase.
Apprentices in level 4 and 5 will be provided a full day of training once a month. Half of the day is dedicated to on-the-job teaching skills and half of the day is dedicated to TExES test prep. Apprentices will be required to pass two to five exams, depending on their certification area.
Upon mastery of all skills and completion of their degree, apprentices will earn a nationally recognized K-12 Teacher Credential. Upon completion of all TPCP requirements and passing of all TExES exams, apprentices will receive their Texas teaching certificate. The program is designed to be a 3-year program but may be finished sooner depending upon how many college credit hours an individual enters the program with.
Apprenticeships provide funding opportunities to assist apprentices with tuition support and wraparound services if they are in need of these supports. All apprentices are required to apply for financial aid. They are also encouraged to contact Workforce Solutions Borderplex and Project Arriba to see if they qualify for their services. Both programs have applications and their own criteria to determine if an individual is eligible.
RTAP is designed to keep apprentices together in cohorts. They will complete their monthly training with the same individuals, and we are working closely with UTEP to provide opportunities for apprentices to take college classes together. A field supervisor will be assigned to each cohort and they will serve as an additional coach, trainer and mentor.