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Principal Alternative Certification

Principal Alternative Certification Academy (PACA)

NEW: PACA will be opening a SPRING cohort in March 2025! Register for Info Session #215258 to learn more.

Applications & supporting documents can be submitted via email to; once your documentation is received, we will follow up with links to pay application fees.  


(915) 780-5065


Belinda Salcido

ACP Specialist

Laura Widner

Prof. Development Consultant
(915) 780-5383 

Are you a certified teacher with a Master's degree and interested in becoming a school principal? The ESC - Region 19 Principal Alternative Certification Academy (PACA) accepts applications throughout the year. Please see the PACA Program Requirements for more information.

The PACA program is intended to aid districts in filling Texas School Principal positions with outstanding principals who are highly trained, committed, dedicated and who have exceptional skills necessary to work with a diverse student population.

The goal of PACA is to give individuals a quality and realistic certification program for Texas School Principals. Interns will leave PACA certified as Texas School Principal All Levels. They will also leave having developed a network of contacts necessary to help our region’s students, including the relationship developed with their mentor principal at their respective internship campus.

The PACA program vows to continue the excellent track record to prepare, certify, and support educators and principals to meet the staffing needs of the districts served within the region.

Education Service Center - Region 19 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, or any other bases prohibited by law. Inquiries concerning the application of Title VI, IX, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Section 504 may be referred to the Human Resources Manager, 6611 Boeing Drive, El Paso, Texas 79925.