Certification Areas
Certification Areas
ESC - Region 19 Teacher Preparation & Certification Program is approved by the Texas Education Agency to certify candidates in the following areas:
- American Sign Language EC-12 (184)
- Art EC-12 (178)
- Dance 6-12 (279)
- English Language Arts and Reading 4-8 with the Science of Teaching Reading (217)
- English Language Arts and Reading 7-12 (231)
- Core Subjects EC-6 with the Science of Teaching Reading (391)
- Core Subjects 4-8 with the Science of Teaching Reading (211)
- Health EC-12 (157)
- History 7-12 (233)
- Journalism 7-12 (256)
- Languages Other Than English - French EC-12 (610)
- Languages Other Than English - Japanese EC-12 (607 & 602)
- Languages Other Than English - Spanish EC-12 (613)
- Mathematics 4-8 (115)
- Mathematics 7-12 (235)
- Music EC-12 (177)
- Physical Education EC-12 (158)
- Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) (Grades 6-12)
- Science 4-8 (116)
- Science 7-12 (236)
- Science of Teaching Reading (293): This exam is only required for those who are getting a certification in Core Subjects EC-6, Core Subjects 4-8 or ELAR 4-8.
- Social Studies 4-8 (118)
- Social Studies 7-12 (232)
- Speech 7-12 (129)
- Theatre EC-12 (180)
We offer the following supplementals that can be taken along with a certification above:
- Special Education EC-12
- Bilingual Education Supplemental - Spanish (164 & 190)
- English as a Second Language Supplemental (154)
These test numbers are for the TExES exams, if you need to take the PACT test, you will need to look for the test number on the Pearson website.