Meet Your Keynotes
Dr. Xóchitl Anabel Rocha
serves as the Dual Language Coordinator for the Texas Education Agency. As a former bilingual and migrant student, she recognizes the importance of implementing additive bilingual education programs that promote equity, access, and positively impact the academic outcome for emergent bilinguals. Prior to this role, she served as the Director of Dual Language for San Antonio ISD and a Bilingual Specialist PK-12th for Region One and McAllen ISD. In addition, she has served as a dual language teacher at PSJA ISD and an adjunct professor at UTPA and TAMUK. Dr. Rocha is committed to serve bilingual educators, administrators, LEAs, emergent bilingual students and their families, as well as all stakeholders by increasing awareness and providing best practices to meet the cultural and linguistic needs of emergent bilinguals. She is dedicated to expanding effective dual language immersion programs PK-12th to increase student outcomes state-wide.
Dr. Monica Lara
is the CEO of Seidlitz Education, as well as a Keynote speaker, and the author of ¡Toma la palabra!: Enlazando la oralidad y la lectoescritura and The Structure of a Reading Test in Grade 1: In Search of a Relationship with Reading in Spanish. She is also the co-author of ELLs in Texas: What Teachers Need to Know and ELs in Texas: What School Leaders Need to Know. She has been in education for over thirty years. Her roles in education include experience as a teacher, reading specialist, assistant principal, and educational specialist in the areas of dyslexia and bilingual/ESL education.
Dr. Lara is a recipient of the 2019 Future School Leaders Leadership Legacy Award, a testament to her commitment and belief in teaching all learners. Dr. Lara’s biliterate and bicultural belief system is engaging, invigorating, and refreshing when she delivers her signature message: Enseñanza para todos (teaching for all).
She holds a Masters of Arts degree in reading and a Ph.D. in Culture, Literacy, and Language. Her research interests include early reading assessments, biliteracy education, and English as a second language.