Military Preparation and Resources
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Welcome Military Families
The military Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) has brought thousands of military families to Texas. The Education Service Center - Region 19 is here to provide assistance in transitioning the children of relocating military and the associated civilian personnel into the Texas Public Schools within our region.
Since the inception of regional education service centers in Texas in 1965, the Region 19 Education Service Center has played an integral role in the provision of essential services to school districts and charter schools in the implementation of school improvement and reform. As a non-regulatory entity, the Education Service Center is here to assist schools in maximizing student achievement as well as to support efficiency and economy in school operations.
The Education Service Center - Region 19 supports our military families and civilian personnel supporting the mission of the Department of Defense by:
- Collaborating with all stakeholders in the Region 19 school districts impacted by military Base Realignment and Closure
- Enhancing existing communication channels between Region 19 public schools and Fort Bliss families
- Serving as liaison between Region 19 school districts and Fort Bliss to assure successful transitions for military families
Family Readiness Group
A Soldier/Family Readiness Group is a command sponsored organization of family members, volunteers, soldiers, and civilian employees belonging to a unit, that together provide an avenue of mutual support and assistance and a network of communications among the family members, the chain of command, chain of concern, and community resources.
Ft Bliss Sponsorship Program
Welcome to Ft. Bliss, home to the only armored division in the United States Army. There are many questions that need to be answered as you prepare your move to El Paso, TX, the link below provides many valuable points of contact to individuals and programs that can answer some of those questions you and your family might have.
Ft Bliss Family and MWR
Soldier and Family Assistance Center (SFAC) is located at 887 Marshall Road in West Fort Bliss. The link below will provide you the most updated information as maintained by SFAC.
Graduation Toolkit
The 2016 Graduation Toolkit provides details about the Foundation High School Program, benefits and explanation of the Distinguished Level of achievement option, endorsement choices, checklists and resources.