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The Academic Instruction and School Support (AISS) department at Region 19 is dedicated to supporting educators across our region.

With the current pandemic, there has been a surge in the need for Distance Learning support for teachers & students. Our entire team will be adding specific resources for Distance Learning on this special COVID-19 website and our main program pages as well.

The AISS department is comprised of professional development consultants with experiences in various content areas and grade levels. Our services to all Region 19 educators include technical assistance, professional development, information dissemination, cognitive coaching, in-class coaching/observation/feedback, and much more! We strive to provide teachers with the tools necessary to ensure all students reach high-quality academic standards of achievement.

Most of our staff is working remotely and is available to all K-12 educators for any needs in curriculum, assessment and instruction related to core content areas, practices for diverse learners, English Learners, Advanced Academics and Technology Integration.

For our consultant's contact information and more about our team, click on our logo below:

AISS logo


Questions? Need Help? Book a spot with a consultant!

AISS is committed to providing quality professional development during this time of social distancing. This is why our consultants now offer virtual office hours. To book your appointment, click on the link below. All consultations are free to our regional teachers and leadership.