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Schools' Re-Opening & Closures

Local School Closures/ Openings Schedules

We are here for you, school district logos

 Maintaining the health and well-being of the students, teachers, administrators, nurses and all staff is of utmost importance for El Paso health and school officials during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the onset of the pandemic, public health and school officials have worked closely together to jointly determine the safest approach to re-open schools.

Each school district is announcing their own closures/openings.

Please visit the district directory, on the left of this page, to find your school district and most current openings/closure news.

For complete description of health oridnances for schools, please click on Return to School Official Health Guidance button on the left.

You can also find the Region 19 Safe School Zones chart on the left navigation under 'On Campus Attendance Plan'. This plans provides guidance for on-campus instruction based on tri-county hospitalization rates.