School Board Training
School Board Training
Continuing education requirements for school board members in Texas consists of three topics.
Topic 1 - Special Required Training
- Statutory Open Meetings Act, Public Information Act, Cybersecurit
- Regulatory Newly elected members must attend a three hour Orientation to the Texas Education Code during their first year of service. Experienced board members must attend a Legislative Update following sessions of the Texas Legislature in which statutes relating to education were passed. The length of the Legislative Update is dependent on the amount of education legislation passed or changed during the previous session of the Texas legislature. Evaluating and Improving Student Outcomes (EISO). Designed to provide research-based information to support the oversight role of the board; must include specified content on goal setting, monitoring and accountability. This training is available to all new board members and board candidates up to one year before election or appointment. Identifying and reporting Abuse and Trafficking. This training will include content to assist in identifying and reporting potential victims of abuse, human trafficking and other maltreatment of children.
Topic 2 - Team Building Team Building is an annual requirement of three hours for board-superintendent Teams of Eight. The purpose of the team building session is to enhance the effectiveness of the board-superintendent team, assess the continuing education needs of the board-superintendent team and develop a plan for meeting those needs.
Topic 3 - Additional Continuing Education Continuing education designed to meet the needs identified during the assessment session of Team Building is Level 3. Newly elected members must receive ten hours of Level 3 continuing education during their first year of service. Experienced members must receive five hours each year of service.