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ESC Region 19 School Improvement

We provide support for campuses and districts across the region for continuous improvement. The ESC 19 School Improvement (SI) team provides guidance on Texas Education Agency (TEA) interventions for campuses that earn a D or F rating on the State Accountability System, or are identified as Comprehensive, Targeted and Additional Targeted under ESSA.


ESC Region 19 School Improvement Team

  • School Improvement Leads: Liaison between TEA and the ESC 19 SI Team members as well as the Local Education Agencies (LEAs) across the region. SI Leads coordinate dissemination of information as appropriate with ESC SI team members as well as LEAs and provides training and resources as needed.
  • Case Managers: Serves as a liaison between TEA, ESC 19, and the District Coordinator of School Improvement (DCSI), as well as the principal of the SI-engaged campuses and supports the LEA & campus meet needs and goals. SI Case Managers serve as the conduit of information between the LEA/Campus and the ESC. They are assigned to campuses identified under Federal and State Accountability. Additionally, campuses that are awarded the ESF Focused Support Grant are also assigned a Case Manager as they follow the same interventions as a Comprehensive identified campus. 
  • ESF Diagnostic Facilitators: Collaborates with the campus principal and DCSI to facilitate a campus diagnostic process that results in the identification of prioritized focus areas the campus should focus on for continuous improvement. See the ESF Diagnostic page for more information.