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McKinney-Vento Education

ESC Region 19 McKinney-Vento Coalition

McKinney-Vento Education

The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children lacking a fixed, regular and adequate residence.


Fixed: Stationary, permanent, not subject to change

Regular: Used on a regular and nightly basis

Adequate: Meets both physical and psychological needs typically met in a home environment.


If a child is lacking any of the above mentioned, they may be able to qualify for services.


Mission & Vision 

A continuous process of engaging students and families receiving McKinney-Vento services with supplemental resources and strong support networks to ensure achievement. Serving and advocating for students and families in our region experiencing homelessness to overcome any barriers that are obstructing the opportunity for an equitable, meaningful education. 

Contact us:

Manuel Aldaco

Project Manager/ Technical Support



Olga Fernandez

Administrative Assistant



Genesis Calles

McKinney-Vento Specialist



Elizabeth Haro

Instructional Specialist

(915) 780-5314


Barbara Amaya
