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Mental Health First Aid

Mental Health First Aid

Suicide Prevention Training for Educators

House Bill (HB) 2186 which was passed by the 84th Texas Legislature, 2015, and signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 19, 2015, (Texas Education Code § 21.451) requires suicide prevention training to all new school district and open-enrollment charter school educators annually and to existing school district and open-enrollment charter school educators on a schedule adopted by the TEA by rule. Training must be selected from the list of recommended best practice-based programs that is provided by the DSHS.


The Texas Department of State Health Services has identified MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID as a best practice resource for schools in areas of Early Mental Health Intervention, Mental Health Promotion and Positive Youth Development, Substance Abuse Prevention and Intervention, and Suicide Prevention. This certification course has been identified as being in compliance with the requirements of Texas Education Code § 21.451.




ALGEE Mascot





Contact Albert Villa

if you are interested in taking

either a Mental Health First Aid course or

a Youth Mental Health First Aid course.


These courses are paid for through IDEA-B Funds

and other grant monies

and are made available at NO COST to participants!





First page of the PDF file: MHFA_YouthOnePager
First page of the PDF file: YMHFA_Virtual_Course_Info_20202021