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Progress in the General Curriculum

Progress in the General Curriculum


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA 2004) requires districts to serve students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment so that they are integrated with their non-disabled peers as much as possible. Special Education Services offers professional development sessions designed to facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities. Region 19 Education Service Center sessions can also be customized and delivered as on-site trainings for districts and campuses.

This program is responsible for organizing and conducting professional development and technical support that facilitates students with disabilities gaining access to a curriculum and instruction based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) in the least restrictive environment. This program also facilitates planning and implementation of the statewide Progress in the General Curriculum (PGC) Leadership Function for Texas.

Support is designed to build capacity at the campus level through professional development tied directly to goals in the campus improvement plan. The overall focus is to build capacity in districts and campuses within the region to serve students with disabilities in integrated settings, and provide on-going and follow-up professional development services to school district personnel to support serving students with disabilities in inclusive settings.

Specific training topics include (but are not limited to): Inclusion, Accommodations & Modifications, Co-Teaching, Differentiated Instruction, Standards Based IEP, Specially Designed Instruction, Least Restrictive Environment, Paraprofessionals in the Classroom, Grading and Progress Monitoring for Students with Disabilities, Response to Intervention and State Assessments.


PGC Network



PGC Network Goal
The goal of the PGC Network is to increase results for students with disabilities. This includes:
  • An increase in state assessment proficiency rates in reading and mathematics for students with disabilities;
  • An increase of students with disabilities served in general education; and
  • A decrease of students with disabilities served outside of general education classrooms.

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