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Grading and Progress Monitoring for Students with Disabilities

Grading and Progress Monitoring for Student with Disabilities

Grading and Progress Monitoring

Grades should accurately reflect the student’s relative mastery of the curriculum (i.e., the district’s Pre-kindergarten curriculum at Pre-Kindergarten and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) at Kindergarten through twelfth grade). In order to make grades accurate and fair, schools should apply clear and compelling standards for grading.

While students who receive special education services are required to have annual individualized education program (IEP) goals, these goals are not a substitute for the grading assignments linked to the general curriculum. Instead, IEP goals identify specific areas of need in which a student will receive specially designed instruction from a special educator in order to access and progress in the general curriculum. Rather than substituting for or supplanting the general curriculum, IEP goals help a student access and progress in the general curriculum.


***An UPDATED "Grading and Progress Monitoring Document" from the Inclusion in Texas website will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.***



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