Special Education Evaluation Services
Special Education Evaluation Project
The Special Education Child Find/Evaluation Project assists districts in meeting federal, state, and local mandates for evaluation and ARD processes. Region 19 offers an array of staff development opportunities designed to increase local districts' capacity to provide appropriate full and individual evaluations for students with special needs or those suspected to have a disability. Technical assistance is available on issues such as:
- Referral for Initial Evaluation
- Reevaluation
- Eligibility determination
- Full and Individual Evaluation Report Writing
- Use of assessment data for Individual Education Plan (IEP) development
- Bilingual Evaluations
- Section 504
The Special Education Child Find/Evaluation website contains resources that support best practice and legal requirements for serving students with special needs. This site does not provide legal advice. Additionally, the session handouts provided are for reference to those who attended the session. We go to great lengths to make sure information is accurate and useful, however, if you identify an error in our information please contact us directly.
Thank you kindly,
Monica Quezada
Monica Quezada
Staff Directory
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